Carbon Reduction Plan

Commitment to achieving Net Zero

LMS is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.

LMS is in the early stages of our Net Zero journey; we are gathering and analysing data year on year and building an ambitious and practical decarbonisation strategy and assessing what Net Zero means to us.

LMS Security is a fully Independent, privately owned, internationally recognised and accredited Security Consultancy; owned and built by Electronic and Physical Security Specialists to support and guide organisations through the pitfalls, challenges and the opportunities associated with Security Management. We have one small central office which houses 10% of our workforce, the remaining 90% of our workforce are home-based, an average of 15% of the total employee time is spent on client sites (requiring the need for business travel).  

Our mission is to continually take action to innovatively maintain our Zero scope 1 emissions and where this is not possible, control the scope 1 whilst also reducing our scope 2 and scope 3 emissions.  We are setting high cultural standards across the organisation for individual responsibility for the reduction and offset of residual emissions. 

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline Year: 01.04.2021 – 31.03.2022

Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations and our ongoing data collection.

We acknowledge that the data gathered does not benefit from the knowledge and experience of environmental consultants. We intend to investigate working with such specialists during 2023-2024. Working together we hope these specialists will be able to verify our calculations, provide robust measures for our senior leadership team to review, along with strategies for a SME such as LMS to use as part of our reduction plan.  

In 2022-2023 our business travel begins to increase with the working world emerging from COVID-19.  We expect this to continue to rise as LMS continues to grow in line with our business strategy.


  • We continue to prioritise our journey towards Net Zero now instead of waiting another year to engage with an environmental consultant. We believe progress towards Net Zero is urgent.
  • Whilst we are now all working in a post pandemic environment, we believe it is impossible to predict the course of the COVID-19 pandemic or other global events; Government-mandated policies to curb the pandemic or other major events may continue to effect our emissions through 23-24 and beyond.


Baseline year emissions:

Scope 3* (Upstream Transportation and Distribution, Business Travel, and Employee Commuting)

*Included sources: Business Travel, Employee Working From Home, Fuel- and Energy Related Activities.

** At Baseline LMS did not have a central office and do not use or consume Fuels, Bioenergy or Refrigerant & other as defined . LMS do not own delivery vehicles. The company owned passenger vehicles are fully electric, have zero SECR kWh conversions and report emission under scope 2 as directed.

Current Emissions Reporting

Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3*
Total Emissions

*Included sources: Business Travel, Employee Working From Home, Fuel- and Energy Related Activities.

** LMS lease  one small  central managed  office space and are not provided with breakdowns of fuels consumed as per . LMS do not own delivery vehicles. The company owned passenger vehicles are fully electric, have zero SECR kWh conversions and report emission under scope 2 as directed

Emissions Reduction Targets

LMS continues to grow and therefore in the short term, total emissions are likely to increase while the organisation is in this phase of development. To help us stay on track for Net Zero by 2050 and to mitigate for this growth, we are focusing on emissions per employee. To achieve Net Zero by 2050, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets:

  1. We commit to maintain Zero scope 1 GHG emissions until such time our business growth requires a central office. At this point we will ensure sustainability is at the forefront of the creation of a central support function.
  2. We commit to reduce scope 2 GHG emissions per employee by 42% by 2030.

Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented since the 2022/23.

Management Systems

LMS are reviewing the possibility of applying for ISO 14001 certification supported by an environmental management system and ISO 50001 certification supported by an energy management system. We have been reviewing all management system documents and have updated many policies and procedures to reflect our commitment to Net Zero. We are also working on improving the data quality for our annual reviews, as such we will be investigating the opportunity to work with Environmental Consultants during 2023-2024 to help us set better targets for our continual improvement.

Awareness building programme


  • Continued commitment around reasons to cycle (including the production of LMS branded cycling shirts)
  • Personal carbon footprint: How to estimate and reduce your personal impact:
  • Introduction of Monthly internal newsletter to all staff which will include sustainability information and strategies to reduce personal impact.
Office Renewable Energy Tariff

Continue to encourage all staff to switch energy tariff to 100% renewable energy.


Identification of Future Areas of Action

Recognising that we still have work to do to reduce our emissions footprint we have identified the following areas for future actions to advance toward our goal of becoming an emission free company:

  • Having expanded the company fleet to all electric during 2022-2023, we need an understanding of personal vehicles LMS staff use for business use.
  • Explore the viability of a loan scheme for our employees to implement energy efficiency measures at home.
  • Continue flexible working practices wherever possible to continue to keep emissions low.
  • Introduce recycling to any office space acquired and remind our home working team to recycle and reduce one off plastic consumption.
  • Develop plans to encourage more sustainable travel practices (update our travel policy)
  • Investigate our delivery workstreams to understand travel patterns and reduce journey times and number of journeys.
  • Engage with Environmental Consultants to understand energy saving opportunity schemes, support LMS with easy to understand measuring and strategies to reduce waste and improve sustainability in the future ESOS (energy savings opportunity scheme) in Yorkshire ( Environmental Services Shropshire | E4environment Ltd
  • Ensure any office space leased by LMS is working towards reducing water consumption, purchasing recycled products and reviewing energy efficient lighting options.

Although we are unable to eliminate certain emissions at this time, we are investigating the purchase of carbon credits equivalent to the emissions we are not yet able to eliminate.  These credits will finance much needed climate mitigation action and support the global transition to a zero carbon future.  Woodland Carbon for Businesses – Woodland Trust , Home | Switch2Zero

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol Corporate Standard1 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have also been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).


Signed on behalf of the Supplier: